Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field of research that seeks to create intelligence through machines and programming. The term of ‘artificial’ has always troubled me because I don’t think there’s anything inherently artificial about the idea of intelligence. Perhaps synthetic or manufactured intelligence would be better. Or, perhaps I’m just being pedantic.
Anyway, I wanted to jot down some interesting things online about AI and how to learn more about (other than actually, you know, going to school for it). In particular, this is not about epistemology or anything of the sort, it’s purely about where to get information on mechanical and software based AI.
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence “is a nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines.” They have a collection of resources from their conferences, additionally they produce AI Magazine.
IEEE even has an annual Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. Their archives is filled with slides and other information from the speakers, the 2012 conference just happened in September and already a lot is online.
If you want to dive right in to the world of AI and start producing your own version of intelligence then take a look at Stanford’s Introduction to AI which still has stuff accessible online. The creators of the course have gone on to create Udacity and now offer the AI course there.