Game thinking from Adam Clare

Category: BusinessPage 17 of 44

Canada is #3 Worldwide in Video Game Development


The Entertainment Software Association of Canada (ESA) released their Essential Facts 2012 (here’s the PDF) report not too long ago and it’s filled with fun facts! According to the ESA’s research Quebec has the greatest number of industry workers while Ontario is expected to have the fastest growth.

Some notable facts from the 2012 edition:

  • The average age of a Canadian gamer: 31
  • 58% of Canadians are gamers
  • 54% of males and 46% of females play video games
  • 80% of Canadian households have at least one cell phone, tablet computer or other mobile device

The Globe and Mail picked up on the report and highlighted the fact that Canada’s video game industry is the third largest in the world right now. They also have a great breakdown and visualisation of the ESA’s report, you can view their presentation here.

Insights Into Making and Pitching Board Games

At this year’s Board Game Jam we were lucky enough to have two professional board game designers share their knowledge. Sen Foong Lim and Jay Cormier, who are the Bamboozle Brothers made the popular games Belfort and Train of Thought.

They spoke to the attendees of Board Game Jam via Skype about what it’s like to design and sell games around the world.

  • In something akin to a questions and answers session they covered:
  • Prototyping games and getting them ready to pitch
  • What conferences and conventions are like
  • How to playtest and get good feedback
  • What level of finished art should you have in your game to show a publisher
  • The growing trend of mixing board games and digital games

We recorded their words of wisdom and you can listen to them below. Feel free to connect with them at BoardGameGeek (Sen, Jay).

You can buy Belfort at Amazon and Train of Thought at Tiny Minstrel Games.

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