Game thinking from Adam Clare

Category: BusinessPage 27 of 44

Digital Game Sales Rising, Retail Shrinking

We are beyond peak retail for video game sales, but don’t worry because digital sales are increasing. Statista looked at retail sales from 1996 to 2011 and determined that 2008 was the height of retail sales.

If the next generation of consoles incorporate good digital distribution capabilities than I can picture the end of retail game sales will be inevitable.

Does this mean the death of the used game market?

Click it to make it bigger.

Via VentureBeat.

Paul Krugman on SciFi and Economics

A recent Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast interviewed Paul Krugman about the connections between science fiction and economics. It’s a fascinating half hour interview that you can listen to or read at Wired.

If you’re interested in SciFi and/or economics this is worth looking at.

Krugman isn’t the only economist who’s into science fiction. He also counts Brad DeLong at Berkeley and many of the contributors to the Crooked Timber blog among fans of the genre.

“I have friends, political scientists, sociologists, who all share an interest at least in certain kinds of science fiction,” says Krugman. “It’s speculative, we’re thinking about what society could be like.”

Krugman’s involvement in the science fiction world peaked in 2009 when he attended the World Science Fiction convention in Montreal and joined author Charles Stross for a free-wheeling, hour-long discussion.

Beware though, one of the hosts of Geek’s Guide does that annoying up-talking thing with his voice.

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