Game thinking from Adam Clare

Category: Education

Code Hero: Play to Code

Like playing games? Want to learn how to code javascript? Well, Code Hero may just be the game for you!

Code Hero is a co-op first-person shooter where you become a rock star programmer, saving the world from evil AI. You rely on your trusty “code gun” that can copy, paste and edit real javascript as ammunition to blast the enemy, manipulate the world, and build structures creatively.

Code hero gives players unprecedented power inside the game. It’s a new type of learning; players start out using powerful code without needing to understand it, then slowly master that code to conquer specific challenges. It’s a game first, and a learning tool second.

You can play Code Hero here.

Here’s the trailer for the game.

Thanks to Slashdot!

Challenges for Faculty and Students

Being a student is tough, just ask anyone finishing the Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree (PhD students are born for this stress so they don’t count 😉 ).

Being a teacher can be just as stressful.

On the teaching side of education staying ‘in touch’ and relevant to students is always a challenge. Not only does the knowledge about the discipline being taught change over time, so does culture. Indeed, culture changes a lot: take a look at the famous (or is it infamous) annual Mindset List from Beloit College. Here’s news coverage of the 2010 release.

The Chronicle of Higher Education have compiled a similar lists for students – The Mindset of Faculty. So students you have more to study!

Speaking of studying, here’s what really stress out students:

Stressed Out Students

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