Game thinking from Adam Clare

Category: EducationPage 8 of 17

BBC Documentary on the Vikings

I’ve enjoyed Neil Oliver’s documentaries before and this three part series on the culture and general history of the Vikings is an enjoyable watch. It’s easy to forget how expansive their impact on the world was and how different the world could have been if the Romans ever got into Scandinavia.

It’s almost like learning the history of Skyrim 😉

The Coming Civil War over General-purpose Computing

Cory Doctorow is a smart thinker when it comes to computers and how they relate to our basic rights. Over the summer he delviered a lecture titled The Coming Civil War over General-purpose Computing and it’s a fascinating look into the future of DRM (digital rights management), firmware, security, openness, and how we as a culture relate to computers.

Watch the lecture below and you may also want to check out the text version of his argument.

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