Game thinking from Adam Clare

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Short Cuts in Thinking: “Cognitive Laziness”

Thinking is hard.

Humans are brilliant pattern recognition machines and we love it when things fit into pre-ordered patterns rather than having to take the time to figure our new ones. Fair enough. This does, however, leave us with a side effect when dealing with abstract and not-entirely-obvious problems that we must grabble.

As a result we make leaps in logic (assumptions) to get the answer that makes the most sense to our preexisting notion of how things should be. This leads us into the world of “lazy” heuristics. Heuristics are techniques we use to speed up the processing of information to find a suitable answer for whatever we are dealing with. It could be something banal like baking or something entirely too large to conceptualize tile timey-wimey.

If it wasn’t for thinking heuristically we would be consistently exhausted be what the modern world throws at us. We need this higher-order abstract pattern recognition in order to function.

If we rely too much on using our existing heuristic patterns without modifying them we can create a state of mental stagnation. This is sometimes called “Cognitive Laziness“, which is sometimes referred to as cognitive dissonance.

Creativity Post has a great article on how these heuristic leaps can actually decrease our creativity. At the core of the article is the notion that by not reframing the problems were are looking at we are missing possible solutions and leaving entire days of thinking out of the equation.

They cover a few test like the Wason selection task amongst others that you can try out at home. Don’t worry if you get the answer wrong because it doesn’t reflect on your background so much as it does your effort. From the article:

The significant point about this test is that we are incredibly bad at it. And it doesn’t make much difference what the level of education is of the person taking the test. Moreover, even training in formal logic seems to make little difference to a person’s performance. The mistake that we tend to make is fairly standard. People almost always recognize that they have to pick up the card with the vowel, but they fail to see that they also have to pick up the card with the odd number. They think instead that they have to pick up the card with the even number.

One of the most interesting things about this phenomenon is that even when the correct answer is pointed out, people feel resistance to it. It apparently feels “right” that the card with the even number should be picked up. It feels right because your initial perspective is biased toward the usual way of thinking. It is only when you look at it from different perspectives that you get a deeper understanding of the problem.

If you do get the example logic problems in the article wrong you probably had a gut feeling that you were off. It turns out that when we take these heuristic shortcuts we don’t have as much confidence in our answer than if we stopped to think about the problem. Obvious? Not really, because it’s hard to prove.

Think about this one:
“A bat and ball together cost $1.10. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?”

To find the answer look at this article that illustrates that we want to take the least amount of effort to get an answer:

Studies, like those done by Nobel-prize winning economist Daniel Kahnemen, have shown that people are cognitive misers, meaning that the brain tends to seek solutions to problems that take the least mental effort. In practice, that means people answer easy questions in place of hard ones.

Maps and History and Getting Lost

Some people are just bad with directions, which is probably why GPS navigation units sell so well. Those devices make it so people don’t need to think. So what happens to the ability to read maps? It is assumed to degrade.

There is more than just knowing directions when it comes to understanding maps. Over at Wired there is an article on why some people are bad at reading maps. Unsurprisingly, abstract visual manipulation is needed, but so are other mental skills.

“Map use and performance is pretty intangible, all the interesting activity is happening inside the human brain,” said Lobben, who’s based at the University of Oregon. “You have to study it a variety of ways.” For her, that means a combination of lab-based tests, observing how people navigate in the real world, and employing eye-tracking equipment and brain scans.

So far she’s has found two aspects of map reading that vary considerably from one person to another. (Test yourself on them with the example images below.)

One has to do with people’s ability to shift perspective from the street-level view in front of them to the bird’s eye perspective of a map. Lobben has developed computer-based tests to assess this skill. In one (see right), subjects see a map and a street-level photograph of a place on the map. Then they have to chose which of two arrows (or neither), when placed on the map, would indicate the same direction as the person who took the photo was facing. This turns out to be a remarkably good predictor of real-life map navigation, Lobben says.

On the digital front, Crytek ran a competition called Off the Map that challenged teams to make a 3D environment of an historical place using documents from the British Library. The results are pretty cool with a team from  De Montfort University in Leicester winning the competition. They recreated 17th century London and it looks great!

The team, known as Pudding Lane Productions, has kept a great journal on what they did to make their environment stand out. In short, it was their attention to historical detail is what made their map so successful.

There are also people mapping video games and their levels in case you get lost in them.

For virtual worlds that will hopefully stay digital, there is a website dedicated to documenting those maps. is your online atlas for your favourite video game classics.

If you want even more map action, check out Map Porn.

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