Game thinking from Adam Clare

Tag: development

Fantastic Intro to HTML5 Game Development

HTML5Anyone who has been following HTML5 to any degree has probably gotten lost or confused at some point about what’s going on. I know I have and I know I will get confused again in the future. For now (end of Jan 2012) this wonderful blog post on HTML5 game development is great!

The post covers nearly everything one needs to know from the technology to some problems with HTML5 to how the heck one can monetize games made using the tech.

Here’s a snippet from the mobile web browser section:

Not to be mistaken with mobile apps, which you download and install onto your phone, the Mobile Web Browser is an increasingly important platform to target. Mobile browsing is catching up to Desktop fast with some predictions putting the overlap period to be as early as 2014. Take that figure with a pinch of salt of course, but no-one denies the rapid growth here. This is in part supported by the recent advances in mobile technology. It assumes the player is online and browses to your game via the browser installed on their phone or tablet. There is a rapidly growing market in mobile web games, with a number of high profile games portals already on board buying them and many more will follow. In terms of development you need to approach it from either the DOM or Canvas angle. Most smart phones contain dedicated GPUs and Mobile Safari will now use it to render DOM elements and under iOS5 Canvas as well. WebGL is also on its way. Enabled in Firefox on Android and a hidden option in Mobile Safari expect to see more of this soon.


M4Drinks Toronto next Thursday

M4Drinks is a chance to meet people who are interested or working in development using mobiles. Mobiles for Development (M4D) is all about using any mobile technology to improve the livelihoods of individuals or communities in the majority world.

The next M4Drinks is happening in Toronto on

When: Thursday Sept 22nd. 6pm (until late)
Where: Fionn MacCool’s, 70 The Esplanade, Toronto, ON M5E1R2

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If you don’t make it to this one they happen the third Thursday of the month at Fionn MacCool’s on The Esplanade.

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