Game thinking from Adam Clare

Tag: Game Design Improv

A Game About Game Ideas

My most recent game is out and you can get it now for iOS and Android! Game Design Improv is all about generating and pitching game ideas!


You can play it as a fun party game or use it to generate game ideas for your own purposes (as in for games you’re making). Inspired partly by Oblique Strategies, the game will help you conquer and creative difficulties you may have! Ok, maybe not all of them – but some. At the very least it can be used to get you out of whatever the equivalent is of a writer’s block for a game designer.

Game Design Improv screen

It’s an evolution of my One Game a Month game of the same name which I made two years ago(!). Indeed you can see the previous version and the most recent version in the screenshots below. It’s obvious the impact good art direction can have, and for that I must thank Samet Choudhury.

Original version of the game idea game

Original version of the game idea game

Game Design Improv screen of game ideas

Game Design Improv

From Wero Creative.

Generate game ideas like never before!

Have fun competing with others to create the best (or just hilarious) game idea! You can also use it on your own for some fun last-minute game jam ideas.

Game Design Improv is a digitized game design exercise which I use to quickly produce ideas for games in all forms. It’s all about quickly creating game ideas based on limited information in a fun way.

Use it to come up with ideas for:
– Video Games
– Escape Games
– Board Games
– Puzzle Games
– Any other games!

The way to play it is to use what’s presented on the screen in a short ~1 minute game pitch. Keep it quick and it works as a fun, quick, useful activity.

This started at Board Game Jam and has evolved into this app you see in front of you now. You really should download it as there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Wero Creative wants you to make games! Do whatever you want with the ideas you generate from this app – no restrictions!

Game Design Improv screen of game ideas

Get it now on iOS and Android!

Game Design Improv: My #1GAM for August

Game Design Improv

Game Design Improv is a digitized game design exercise which I use to quickly produce ideas for games in all forms. It’s all about quickly creating game ideas based on limited information in a fun way.

In making this game I wanted to take something from the physical world in the digital as an example I can use in class. I also wanted to explore how the game would change in that process. A spin-off effect is that now anybody can play this game and they don’t need me there.

The way to play it is to use what’s presented on the screen in a short ~1 minute game pitch. In class we keep it quick and it works as a fun, quick, useful activity.

Designing the Game

Game Design Improv at Board Game Jam 2011

Game Design Improv at Board Game Jam 2011

Game Design Improv (GDI) started at Board Game Jam a few years ago and was a hit amongst participants and spectators. The participants were at the front of the room and had to think up a game pitch based on the cards they pulled from a hat.

It started simply with a few decks of cards divided into: theme, object, game mechanic, and something random.

The goal of the game is just to produce the most game ideas in a short period of time. For Board Game Jam there was also the goal of making people laugh, thus the word improv in the title. (Terrance stole the show). The game proved to be fun right from the start.

Then I ran into a problem….

Making it digital

The first pass of the game

The first pass of the game

The original card deck has been lost forcing me to start again from scratch. So I figured it made sense to go digital.

This time around I first tried providing the categories of theme, narrative, game mechanic, genre, and something random. Each category was initially populated with 40 items each. It was quickly revealed that narrative and theme were too close to one another in subject and that having both limits creative freedom (thanks to Denis & Aaron).

I ended up merging narrative and theme into one: story.

This looks like a challenging game.

This looks like a challenging game.

That meant room for one more category so I chose to go back to the original version and re-add object. Earlier players of the card version found that the object category contained non-objects and so I figure calling the category ‘thing’ is a fine solution.

On the first couple passes it was clear that 40 items per category aren’t enough so the number has been upped to 80. It greatly enhances the randomness of what shows up. Here’s an example of the repetition that was occurring:

Game idea repetition

Game idea repetition

There is the one problem that the game doesn’t feel like much of a game without the live interactive portion. As a result, I’m thinking of evolving this into something more than just a fun idea generation tool into an app for storing one’s ideas for games as a whole.

I’m sure that there’s going to be criticism around my use of genre and story as categories and what they contain. Let me be clear: genre is really for marketing so in the GCI context take it as you will; story is purposefully vague to encourage more creativity.

On the technical side, I used the open beta of Unity 4.6 with enhanced UI capabilities. I ran into a bug which kept destroying the main menu scene which was rather frustrating (that’s why it’s in beta). Still, I’m impressed with the easier UI creation in Unity 4.6. It’s also the first game coded in C# entirely on my own until I ran into that menu bug. Marty (from 13am) helped me identify the issue: don’t create a class named Main.

Next steps:

I’m just testing the build right now on my iPad and will be submitting it to the App Store later this week.

My previous #1GAM games:

January – Gnome Oppressor
February – Village of Cards
March – AstroDoge
April – Scapa Flow
May – Das Game

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