Game thinking from Adam Clare

Tag: visualization

Data can be Beautiful

The amount of data that’s out in the world is absolutely amazing and the problem is becoming less about getting the data than it is about understanding it. It’s great to see projects like the one below that follows 300,000 Norwegians move around Norway and beyond based off of tax return information.

Every time I see something like this I can’t help but think about how to get data like this into video games in a meaningful way.

Created over “a couple of months of evenings after putting the kids to bed,” each person becomes a line on a 3-D map, explored through an ever-changing camera perspective. The effectiveness is in the subtlety: Rather than simply travel from point A to point B, each mover actually fades out as they reach their destination. And rather than showing us a full speed “Pachinko machine” of information, Westvang slows things down, crops, and curates the content.

Found here.

Global Map of Impending Zombie Outbreak

We all know that a zombie outbreak is inevitable so it’s good to see that researchers are looking into global zombie references. That is to say, some researchers in the U.K have used Google Maps to map out references to zombies on the mapping service.

The results look neat:

From The Guardian.


Here’s a map of the zombie outbreaks in May 2012. Remember the whole Florida face-eating bath salts thing?

View Zombie Instances, May 2012 in a larger map

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