Game thinking from Adam Clare

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The Great War: 100 Years Ago Today

Today marks the 100th year since the outbreak of the Great War and I’ve spent some free time in the last few months looking into the history of the Great War. Relatedly, I’m trying to get some games about the war made. The games I’m designing are about the insanity of war and the outright bizarreness of the First World War. There are so many things about the war that strikes modern minds as outrageous or, more bluntly, stupid.  At the time, the decisions made were sensical. These are the issues I want to address.


Along with the team at Wero Creative, we’re planning on releasing a couple short games. The first one is pretty much done, Scapa Flow (which began at a game jam), the next will be titled Trench. If possible, I would also like to address the battle of the skies and some of the political aspects of the war.

I studied the war during my undergrad and it captivated me. The mixture of new technology, outdated logistics, old customs, hubris, economic shifts, and bizarre politics created a situation that was rife for conflict. History repeats itself and today we find ourselves in a similar situation (albeit with different roles).

So here’s some research on the Great War I’ve collected over the past few months. This should give you a bit of a primer on the war as a well as good jumping-off points to get more information (this is by no means comprehensive).

Modern context

First, like most big events in history, the war still has reverberates today:

Watch and Listen

For something with a cursory and very, very, very short summary of check this video out:

Multimedia Research and Tools

The wonderful people at Zooniverse are trying their crowdsourced genius at history. They have launched Operation War Diary, which aims to transcribe and geocode the diaries of frontline soldiers.

These diaries contain the thoughts and observations of soldiers on the Western Front. They detail the location, movement and everyday activities of hundreds of thousands of individuals whose stories are otherwise unknown to us. With 1.5 million pages to go through, there are many amazing stories lying in these documents, waiting to be read.

By tagging people, places, and more on you can help our team of historians to begin to reconstruct the lives of the First World War for future generations. This is an incredibly important project and we’re very excited to be working with The National Archives and the Imperial War Museum to make it happen.

Twitter feeds:


Further research

Worthwhile sites to explore for a plethora of information:

Please share more in the comments!

The Great War at Sea

This is specifically research I did for Scapa Flow.

Britain’s Surviving Warships of 1914-1918

The German Naval Blockade of World War 1

The Battleships – Jutland: Clash Of The Dreadnoughts

Gnome Oppressor Released On iOS

Gnome Oppressor

Gnomes are wonderful little creatures who are always up to something. In my recently released game, Gnome Oppressor, you can play as a flying gnome who just loves to fly.

This game is released under the Prototype banner of Wero Creative. The Prototype banner is how we’re going to distinguish our experimental games from our polished games. We believe that it’s better to have our games out there being played than to have them stagnate on our computers.

The best part of game design is that I’ve already found some major bugs post-release and will be submitting an update to the App Store by the end of the day.

It’s an endless flying game in which the difficulty ramps up the longer you play. You can read about the design behind the game in an earlier post: #1GAM January: Gnome Oppressor


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